Monday, February 29, 2016

5. Actors and Diversity

There is a long tradition of white actors playing the movie role part for a character of color. A few examples:
Mickey Rooney - Japanese landlord in Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Laurence Olivier - Othello (in blackface, no less)
Liam Neeson - Arabian character of Ra’s Al Ghul in Batman Begins
Emma Stone - Asian/Hawaiian/white character in Aloha
Johnny Depp - Native American character of Tonto in Lone Ranger
Christian Bale - Moses


And now, in recent news, Joseph Fiennes, a white man, is playing the part of Michael Jackson in an upcoming movie!

A lot of society doesn't see a problem with this. They may think it's silly, but who cares? If anyone complains or voices concern, they are dismissed with all the various race tropes...playing the race card, slavery was hundreds of years ago, what does it even matter, etc.

For most of society, black characters playing traditionally white characters are examples of political correctness run amok. See the reactions to the remake of Annie, the recent live musical of The Whiz on NBC, and rumors of Idris Elba being the next James Bond.

Even having a new lead black character in the new ‘Star Wars’ was an issue for many, and a black actress playing the part of a black character in the ‘Hunger Games’ was met with fury by some because they didn’t realize she was black when they read the book.

So, why does this even matter? Because our children, whether white or of color, see rich, deep, and varied characters in entertainment represented by white actors. Actors of color are far more likely to be offered roles that fill stereotypes: blacks as drug dealers and athletes, Mexicans as maids and janitors, Asians as the quirky side character, Native Americans as perpetually high and lazy. What message does this subtlety send our kids? How could racial stereotypes not be reinforced by this?

Speaking of Idris Elba, he recently gave a speech about the need for more true diversity and inclusion in the movie industry to the British Parliament. If you have a few minutes, it’s worth a read. Or watch the video of it below.

Bonus reading: (NSFW language in some of the descriptions)

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