Monday, February 29, 2016


Last year was a year of much racial tension. I think many white people were caught off guard as it was the first time they had heard of a lot of things people of color were voicing.

I’ve always had friends of different races (my elementary school boyfriend was from Iraq!). I still never really understood where my friends of color were coming from. I never considered myself a racist by any means, but I pushed back against many claims of discrimination and racism I heard from friends. I thought they were exaggerating or making mountains out of molehills. I didn't understand why everything had to come down to race.

Before we adopted our girls*, I started realizing that maybe I needed to listen more to people of color about their experiences instead of listening to white people’s opinions about the experiences of people of color. When we decided that we’d be open to adopting a child of any race, I started doing even more reading, more listening, and more thinking.

Now, I’m the mom of two girls of races different than mine. My eyes are even more open to the differences between White America and everyone else. This exercise originated on my Facebook page and took place over the 29 days of February. I made a daily post that highlighted a way that life is different for people of color.

Upon the suggestion of a friend, I've compiled all of the entries here (published in reverse order so that they can be read in their original chronological order).

I hope you’ll read along even if it makes you defensive, uncomfortable, or angry.

*My husband and I have three children. We have a biological son who is white like us, an adopted black daughter, and an adopted biracial Navajo/Irish daughter. They are referred to throughout as B, KG, and M, respectively.

1. Hair

For those of you who have been pregnant, think about how violated you felt when someone, especially a stranger, touched your belly without your permission. Think about how it felt for everyone and their mama to ask when you were due and ask any number of intrusive questions. If you responded to this rudeness with anything other than a smile, you were most likely dismissed as a crazy hormonal pregnant lady. That lasted about six months of your life, give or take.

Now, imagine if on a nearly daily basis for your whole life, someone came up and touched your hair without asking as if it was there for them to touch when they wanted. Or imagine constantly having people comment on your hair and question you at length about what it feels like or how hard it is to take care of. Or imagine being made to feel like you belong in a zoo based on how people are petting you and exoticizing your hair. If a black woman speaks up for herself or comments on how rude this behavior is, she is dismissed as an Angry Black Woman.

On top of the touching, the stares, and the questions that can make a black person, especially younger girls, feel “othered,” they are barraged with images of a beauty standard that does not include them. When was the last time you saw an ad for black hair care products on TV? When was the last time you saw an ad in People or Vogue? Pretty much never.

Imagine if you showed up to work or school with your hair styled in a natural and cultural way, and you were told your hairstyle was banned and you needed to change it.

Imagine if this was a battle you had to wage nearly every of your life.

It's not just black hair that is misunderstood.

Navajo females wear their hair in a special bun called a tsiyeel. The hair is folded over in half and then in half again and then wrapped in white sheep's wool spun into yarn. This is not ceremonial. It's a daily life thing.

Here we have a ref making a Navajo girls basketball team take out their tsiyeel because the strings that hang from it posed a danger. But he ordered them to put ponytails in. How waist-length hair flowing free in a ponytail is less hazardous than short yarn hanging down, I don't know.

A young boy with a traditional Mohawk was kicked out of school for an inappropriate hairstyle at a school called Arrowhead Elementary.

Bonus reading:
Why natural hair matters in race discussions.

2. How is flesh color defined?

Imagine if you go to the store to buy nylons or undergarments, and all they have are medium to dark brown. What if those colors were called ‘flesh’ or ‘nude.’

Imagine that all the bandages on the shelves are medium to dark brown (except the cartoon character ones, obviously). What if the only way you could get bandages that match your skin color was to purchase them online?

What if you go to buy makeup and there are about 15 different shades for brown skin and just three or four for your skin, but they make you look like you have a fake tan?

Watch the two videos below. The first is of black women trying out mainstream 'nude' fashion (lipstick, bras, pantyhose). The second is of the same women trying out 'nude' fashion for black skin.

Video warning: women in undergarments.

Video disclaimer: the women read the definitions of the word 'nude.' One of the definitions is having white skin. If you look it up now, it doesn't say that anymore. A student petitioned to have that definition changed. Websters changed it in August 2015. This video was filmed before then.

3. Normal and Beautiful

Children grow up predominately surrounded with images of white people. Books, TV shows, ads, commercials, magazines, toys, cartoons, comics, movies, superheroes, everything. Seeing these consistent racial mirrors reinforces for children of all races that white is normal and ideal.

Finding books, movies, toys, and babies that feature characters that match my girls is not as simple as going to the store and picking up the first book we see. There is a lot more available now than there was when I was a kid, for sure, but it is still not normal to find a good selection of Asian, black, Native American, or Hispanic things for kids, especially ones that don’t fall into stereotypical tropes.

To give a real life example of the impact of this, there’s a scene in the movie ‘Home’ where the mom of the main character describes her daughter as having “beautiful brown skin.” Every single time KG sees that scene she gets a wistful grin on her face. No matter what we as her parents do to provide her with positive racial mirrors, it’s obviously not enough for her to have that intrinsic feeling of value in her own skin.

Society* regularly accepts that marketing’s projection of what defines beauty has a negative impact on young girls’ body image.

Society* regularly denies that marketing’s projection of what defines beauty has a negative impact on black kids.

*By 'society' I mean society in general. I know there are pockets of dissent for the former and acceptance for the latter.

4. Marketing Movies

The marketing of movies is another example of society not reflecting positive and normalizing images of people of color.

Movies with black actors that are advertised in suburban areas mysteriously don’t feature the black actors.

A couple of recent examples are ‘Annie’ and ‘Home.’ (Yeah, my frame of reference is children’s movies because that’s about the only thing I get to watch these days.)

Quvenzhané Wallis, the little girl who played Annie, was taken out of Target’s in-store ads for their Annie clothing collection. They featured only white children.

Tip, the main human character in 'Home,' is a black girl (possibly biracial Hispanic/black, it's not entirely clear) from Barbados. She was not in any ads in the suburbs. McDonald's had a merchandising deal for their Happy Meals. The toys were all aliens and Tip’s cat. I wanted to buy a Tip t-shirt for KG because she loves the movie and Tip, but I couldn’t find a t-shirt with only Tip on it. There are a couple of unlicensed shirt with her and the alien, but they aren't very good.

And it’s not just black characters. It affects other races, too. Take a look at Disney’s webpage with all the 'Big Hero 6' merchandise.

The main character of the movie is an Asian boy named Hiro. He's got four sidekicks and a robot. One merchandise item features Hiro. Three feature the white girl sidekick while none features the Asian girl sidekick. The white boy and black boy sidekicks each have one item. The robot has the most merchandise.

Why is the merchandising for characters of color missing? I know most of you will say that it's just a simple matter of supply and demand. It's advertising where the market is.

Well, okay, but why is the demand for white or non-human characters? Seems to me that this is a major indictment on our society's racial values. And I think that's a major problem.

5. Actors and Diversity

There is a long tradition of white actors playing the movie role part for a character of color. A few examples:
Mickey Rooney - Japanese landlord in Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Laurence Olivier - Othello (in blackface, no less)
Liam Neeson - Arabian character of Ra’s Al Ghul in Batman Begins
Emma Stone - Asian/Hawaiian/white character in Aloha
Johnny Depp - Native American character of Tonto in Lone Ranger
Christian Bale - Moses


And now, in recent news, Joseph Fiennes, a white man, is playing the part of Michael Jackson in an upcoming movie!

A lot of society doesn't see a problem with this. They may think it's silly, but who cares? If anyone complains or voices concern, they are dismissed with all the various race tropes...playing the race card, slavery was hundreds of years ago, what does it even matter, etc.

For most of society, black characters playing traditionally white characters are examples of political correctness run amok. See the reactions to the remake of Annie, the recent live musical of The Whiz on NBC, and rumors of Idris Elba being the next James Bond.

Even having a new lead black character in the new ‘Star Wars’ was an issue for many, and a black actress playing the part of a black character in the ‘Hunger Games’ was met with fury by some because they didn’t realize she was black when they read the book.

So, why does this even matter? Because our children, whether white or of color, see rich, deep, and varied characters in entertainment represented by white actors. Actors of color are far more likely to be offered roles that fill stereotypes: blacks as drug dealers and athletes, Mexicans as maids and janitors, Asians as the quirky side character, Native Americans as perpetually high and lazy. What message does this subtlety send our kids? How could racial stereotypes not be reinforced by this?

Speaking of Idris Elba, he recently gave a speech about the need for more true diversity and inclusion in the movie industry to the British Parliament. If you have a few minutes, it’s worth a read. Or watch the video of it below.

Bonus reading: (NSFW language in some of the descriptions)

6. Black This and Black That

"If they can have Black Entertainment Television, why can't we have White Entertainment Television?"

I admit it. I used to think this. I'm sure most white people have thought this or a version of this.

We can have the Country Music Awards and CMT to represent the underserved country music segment of the population. No one questions the need. No one asks why we can't have Rock/Pop TV since country music fans get CMT. No one gets mad and claims that country music fans hate non-country music fans.

So, why do we not offer the same understanding and courtesy to things like the Image Awards and BET?

7. Race in Books

When you read a book and a character is first introduced, do you automatically imagine the person is white? Most of the time, a character’s skin color is only described if the character is not white.

This plays out in real life, too. If a person in a news article or a crime report or an announcement of an award winner is white, race is rarely mentioned. If the person is of color, his/her race is used as a descriptor.

Again, white is the default, the normal. If someone is different, it’s noted.

Here is an article by Neil Gaimon, a widely popular author, talking about how he defines the characters in his writings.

8. Names

American society easily learns to pronounce names like Tchaikovsky, Schwarzenegger or Galifianakis, but somehow ethnic names like David Oyelowo, Quvenzhané Wallis, or Uzoamaka Aduba seem to be unpronounceable.

9. Attitude in Sports

When you're white, your poor sportsmanship after a loss is criticized as being a sore loser with a bad attitude.

When you're black, your poor sportsmanship after a loss is criticized with racist and derogatory language.

10. Historical Portrayals

White history begins with explorers, adventurers, inventors, presidents, and artists. Black history begins usually with the enslavement and subjugation of its people. Some of you won't see a big deal here. I’m hoping that after the last week of posts, some of you at least will see where I’m going with this.

What is the impact on children when their introduction to figures in history is white people as leaders, to black people as enslaved property, to Native Americans as savages, to Japanese women as Geishas, etc.? What kind of subconscious influence does this have on their world views and how they view people of color throughout their lifetime?

11. Whitewashed History

A lot of US history glosses over the gruesome nature of our country’s founding and operation. What the (white) Founding Fathers did to establish and expand the United States of America is valiant, courageous, necessary, and acceptable.

At the same time, Native Americans are depicted as uncivilized, crude savages. In renderings of the first Thanksgiving, they are often shown wearing barely any clothing, adorned with feather headdresses, and eating on the ground.

In a current high school history textbook the Atlantic Slave Trade is referred to as immigration and enslaved people are called workers. Children's storybooks show enslaved people happy to do their work without showing the impact slavery had on them.

Until recently, the internment of Japanese Americans during World War 2 and the mass deportation of Mexican Americans in the 30s and 40s were not well known.

Again, I'll ask rhetorically, what impact does this kind of historical narrative have on children? What kinds of subtle messages could they be receiving? How much value is subconsciously rooted in their minds on White Man's contributions to the U.S. versus the contributions of people of color?

Please note: this isn’t a statement that should be interpreted the way #BlackLivesMatter and Black Pride often are with a defensive reaction. To place value on people of color does not necessitate removing value from whites. It’s not like there’s a limited amount to be distributed, and in order to give some to people of color we have to take it away from whites.

12. Inventors

Quick!. Name off the first few inventors that come to mind.

Who did you come up with? Were they all white? (Rhetorical question, you don’t have to answer in the comments unless you want to.)

Most of our exposure to inventors is to white men. Granted, many of the most famous changed our way of life dramatically like Thomas Edison. We may get exposure to some black inventors during a quick lesson for Black History Month, but mostly we don’t hear about people like the below who invented some pretty amazing things, several of which our society uses on a daily basis.
- Patricia Bath - laser cataract removal
- Otis Boykin - control unit for the pacemaker
- Gerald A. Lawson - home gaming console
- Garrett Morgan - automated traffic signal
- George Carruthers - UV camera used by NASA in the 1972 Apollo 16 flight
- Marie Van Brittan Brown and Albert Brown - home security system
- Bessie Blount - various devices that assist amputees in daily life

Do yourself (and your kids) a favor and go research some inventors of color. Here are a few starting points.

13. Race and Sense of Identity

In a recent study, 16% of whites said that race is very important to their sense of identity. 70% of blacks and 40% of Hispanics felt the same.

Maybe this is part of the reason many white people don’t understand where people of color are coming from?


14. Clothing

Parents of children of color have to be careful how they dress their children. Dressing a black child in clothing with raccoons, alligators, monkeys, watermelons, or bananas is opening up that child to potential racial taunts and name calling. Dressing a Native American child in clothing with feathers or arrows or an Asian child in pandas is the same.

Parents of white kids don’t have to consider these things.

White friends, please take a look at the resources below to understand why I, many other white adoptive parents, and parents of color will not dress their children with these kinds of graphics. We do not want to open our children up to the possibility of being called horrid, racist names. And yes, it really does happen, and it happens often. I know black people who will not even eat watermelon in public!

Racoon -

Alligator -

Monkey (and by association bananas) -

Watermelon -

15. Internal Bias

Most of us have internal biases that influence our snap impressions of different types of people.

It's what makes us think redheads are temperamental and blondes as flighty.

It's what makes us assume that a white woman with four or five kids is a middle class woman who loves kids and a black woman with the same amount of kids as dependent on government assistance.

It's what makes us think about a man taking advantage of his rights when we see white man carrying a gun but threatened when we see a black man with a gun.

It's what makes women cross the street when they see a group of teen boys walking toward them.

It's what makes us think that the group of white people protesting outside of a mosque are just impassioned people looking out for our nation but see a group of black people protesting outside of police station as thugs, hoodlums, and bums who need to get a job.

It's what makes us see an Asian high school kid as smart and a black kid as less than smart.

It's what makes us see the Hispanic family at Walmart as illegal aliens.

It's what makes a store employee follow a black person around the store to make sure that nothing is stolen.

It's what makes us see a teen black boy in a black hoodie as a thug instead of a kid walking home from the store.

These impressions may last a split second, and we correct them. They may completely form our opinion of a person or situation with no correction.

If you're interested in finding out what your internal biases are, you can take a test online.

Over the next several days, I’m going to highlight different aspects of life, from medical care to buying a car, that this kind of stereotyping impacts for people of color.

To give a very recent personal experience with the stereotyping of my young black daughter (KG), I took all three kids to the doctor for what I knew was pink eye in my white son. The PA that saw us confirmed I was right. We had all been sick off and on for close to a month. Most of us were on round two of colds. I half-jokingly asked the PA if she could prescribe enough eye drops to cover the whole family so we wouldn’t have to drag ourselves back out to the doctor again when we all got it, too. She paused for a second, looked at KG, and looked back at me with an almost exasperated look on her face. She said with a tone that matched her look, “You know Medicaid will cover the eye drops so you don’t have to worry about the cost.”

16. Stereotyping Children

There is a long history of white society seeing black children as older, innately evil, and animal-like. Google the history of pickaninnies for more on that.

I read an article that referenced turn of the century pediatric literature. Doctors described black infants as having smaller brains, wider noses, thicker lips, and “simian” hands and feet. Doctors posited that black children’s frontal lobes closed up during adolescence which caused their brains to stop learning and their genitals over-developed. They then became a sexual threat to whites. (Full disclosure: I haven’t been able to externally verify this yet.)

I think most people today no longer view black children as animal-like. But the idea that black children are older than they really are and that black children are more inclined toward criminality is still taking its toll.

Several studies have shown that people view black children as older, especially if they are described as being associated with a crime. White children described as being associated with the same crime are assumed to be younger.

A recent study on unintentional biases showed that black male children as young as five years old trigger the feeling of being threatened in white adults.

KG, my four-year old black daughter, is really big for her age. She's super tough and very physical (thanks to having an older brother she wants to emulate). I love these things about her, but they also make me cringe a little because they feed into this stereotype of black children. Based on comments she's been making recently, she's starting to pick up on how others view her, and she doesn't like it.

This makes me fear for her future. Her childhood innocence will be taken from her much too soon.



Interview with one of the study's authors

17. Internal Bias and Schools

Internal biases against children of color affects them significantly when they're being difficult in school, when they're doing excellent in school, and when they're committing crimes as youths.

Black children represent 18% of preschool enrollment, but 48% of preschool children receiving more than one out-of school suspension.

When they break a school rule (from chewing gum, to not wearing a proper uniform to fighting), children of color are more harshly punished than white children for the same offenses. Black girls, for instance, are six times more likely to be suspended for the same behavior as white girls.

When they are behaving and bright and full of potential, black students are about half as likely as white students to be put on a "gifted" track even when they have comparable test scores. A recent study by Jason Grissom and Christopher Redding at Vanderbilt University looked only at students attending schools with gifted programs. So the disparity can't be accounted for by, say, the fact that black students are more likely to attend under-resourced schools. They found that nonblack teachers identify black students as gifted in reading 2.1% of the time. Black teachers are three times more likely to identify black students as gifted in reading. That's the same rate for white students, no matter the race of their teacher.

In the criminal justice system, black juveniles who are first time offenders are more than six times as likely as whites to be sentenced by juvenile courts to prison. For those young people charged with a violent crime who have not been in juvenile prison previously, black teenagers are nine times more likely than whites to be sentenced to juvenile prison. For those charged with drug offenses, black youths are 48 times more likely than whites to be sentenced to juvenile prison.

Black boys are 18 times more likely to be tried as an adult than are white boys for the exact same offense.

Black violent juvenile offenders are given sentences an average of 61 days longer than whites. Hispanic offenders are given sentences an average 112 days longer than whites.


18. Jobs

The disparate rate of school suspensions, as discussed yesterday, has a big impact on a person's chances of finding employment.

In a study done during the summer of 2014, a white male without a high school diploma had an 82% chance of finding employment. A black male with the same education level had a 65% chance.

A high school diploma increased a white male's chances of a job to 88% and black male's chances to 75%.

Getting some college education helped increase men's chances of employment to 93% for whites and 82% for blacks.

Getting a Bachelor's degree helped even more with chances improving to 98% for whites and 93% for blacks.

It's clear that education paves the way for employment. The better educated, the better the chances of finding a job.

But, look at those numbers again. Did you see anything striking other than the fact that in each category a black man's chances of finding a job are less than a white man's?

A black male needs at least some college credit to have a similar probability of employment as a white male high school dropout.

(Image source from first reference link below)

Education isn't the only thing that affects one's chances of employment. Using the exact same resume, white-sounding names result in a 50% greater chance of getting an interview than black-sounding names.

Once people of color attain a job, research has shown that they are more closely monitored and more easily fired for mistakes than their white counterparts.

Education level and chances of employment -

Names on resumes -

Worker evaluation -

Lighter skin, better chances of employment -

Current employment rates by race, age, and gender -

19. Car Buying

People of color are charged an average of $700 more when buying a car.

In fact, it recently was announced that Toyota will be paying over $20 million dollars in restitution to people of color for charging them more in interest on loans.

Honda paid $24 million last year in restitution for the same thing.

GMAC paid $80 million in 2013.

People of color charged more for buying a car -

Toyota -

Honda -


20. Home Ownership

The vast majority of white Americans own a home. According to the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIIP) in the last quarter of 2015, just over 72% of white households did. In comparison, just under 42% of black and 46.7% Hispanics households owned a home.

People of color are shown fewer overall homes when trying to buy a house. In some areas of the country, people of color are not even informed of available homes in predominately white neighborhoods.

Many assume that redlining went away with Jim Crow and advent of Civil Rights legislation. This is not true. Redlining still exists. A number of banks from small to big name over the last several years have gotten into trouble for refusing loans to people in neighborhoods predominately of color and reserving high interest rate “predatory” loans for people of color.

Still today in many neighborhoods, white families will flee their neighborhood when they see people of color moving in. For an interesting hour-long documentary about a neighborhood’s transformation from nearly 100% white to majority black, check out Spanish Lake. It’s on Netflix.

It doesn’t just stop at access to housing. Everything from food delivery to companies refusing to upgrade utilities to neighborhoods of color is impacted.

Homeownership - (page 9)

Houses shown comparison - (page 11)

Redlining and banks today - (scroll down for a list of examples)

Example of utility redlining -

21. Environment

In addition to many potential black homeowners being shepherded into lower income and predominately minority neighborhoods, these neighborhoods are often side-by-side with or part of a hazardous environment.

Nearly 50% of black people live within 1 km (.62 mile) of at least one hazardous waste disposal facility. Three out of every five black and Hispanic Americans live in communities with uncontrolled waste sites.

People of color tend to live closer to sources of pollution, from coal plants to busy roads and highways which can cause asthma. Black kids struggle with asthma at rates higher than whites.

In an EPA report, “racial and ethnic minorities and poor children may be exposed to more pollution,” with “black children twice as likely to be hospitalized for asthma and four times as likely to die from asthma as white children.”

When things go wrong and people try to get recourse, the government is slow to respond to environmental disasters that affect minority communities. A 2011 report commissioned by the government found that only 6% of 267 official allegations of discrimination against communities affected by EPA rules had even been accepted or denied for investigation. It took on average 350 days to decide whether to investigate. The law requires a 20-day turn around.

There are recent examples of the environment largely affecting people of color, Flint Michigan’s water crisis and lead poisoning being the most recent.

I’m sure pretty much everyone by now knows who Freddie Gray is. Some probably know the sad background to his story. He was exposed to lead as a child, and his mother had won a structured settlement against the landlord of their slum tenement. I’m pretty sure, however, that most don’t know what happened after that to his family and to thousands of other almost exclusively black people in Baltimore.

Predatory settlement companies have preyed on the diminished mental capacity (as a result of their exposure to lead, not because they are black), poverty, and desperation to bilk people out of the millions of dollars they were due. Please take a few minutes to read this award-winning expose of the companies who traded future structured settlement awards for pennies on the dollar in immediate cash.

Proximity to hazardous waste -

Asthma and Race -

Asthma and environment -


Bonus reading:
Flint’s water crisis -

Race predicts if you live near pollution -

22. Household Wealth

From the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) collected in 2011, the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household.

The average white family accumulates more than six times the total assets than Latino families and seven times than Black families. By their 60s, the average white person has 11 times the wealth that blacks have.

Whites have higher rates of homeownership, bigger savings accounts, and lower student loan debt. Based on the last couple of days of posts, this should not come as a surprise.


Bonus reading:
Whether you agree with the proposal/conclusion, this article expands on the numbers above and digs even deeper into how this plays out in southern states.

23. Medical Bias

Besides a history of the medical community experimenting on people of color without their knowledge or consent, studies have shown that discrimination against patients of color still exists. (For some examples, see the Tuskegee experiments on black men and the refusal to treat the diseases they were infected with, how the “father of gynecology” gruesomely crafted his expertise on black women without their consent and with no anesthesia or pain medication, and how Henrietta Lack’s cells were taken without her knowledge or consent and used without compensation to her or her family for over 10,000 experiments.)

Studies have shown that medical professionals are more likely to believe white people when they describe their pain than people of color (leftover biases from the time of slavery when whites believed that black people were not fully human and either incapable of feeling pain or having an inhuman tolerance to pain). White people are more likely to receive treatment for that pain from children to the elderly with cancer. These studies have controlled for various potential causes like access to health care, insurance, socio-economic class, etc. Across the board, white people are more apt to receive quality health care than people of color.

Pharmacies are not stocking pain medication in neighborhoods of color. In a recent study in NYC, only 25% of pharmacies in neighborhoods in which less than 40% of residents were white) had opioid supplies that were sufficient to treat patients in severe pain. In neighborhoods that were 80% white, 72% of pharmacies were stocked sufficiently. Another study in Michigan showed that pharmacies in minority zip codes were 52 times less likely to carry sufficient opioid analgesics than pharmacies in white zip codes regardless of income.

In one study, doctors were given two medical cases on paper of the same man--same age, same symptoms indicating a heart attack, same background. The only difference was race. Doctors were more likely to prescribe a life-saving medication to the white man. The doctors were then given an implicit bias test. Those who were more likely to have implicit biases against black men were less likely to prescribe the medication.

I have had personal experience with this in taking KG to the ER after she had sneaked an Eggo waffle. She has a life threatening allergy to eggs. She had not yet gone into anaphylactic shock, but based on prior experience it was coming soon. I explained to the doctor the many times this has happened and the timeline of how everything plays out (her allergic reaction kicks in once the egg/egg product hits her small intestine). The doctor was first skeptical and then dismissive and left us alone for a long period of time with no monitoring. When KG slipped into shock, I had to go searching for someone to help. Even when she was in shock, the doctor would not give her epinephrine immediately. He wanted to try other things first. In case you’re wondering, that is not the protocol for anaphylaxis.

Experience less pain - (first 4 experiments)

Pain less adequately treated in minorities -

Pharmacies not stocking pain medication -

Doctors less likely to prescribe life-saving meds -

24. "________ing while black"

A third of Black Americans say they have been victims of racial discrimination at some point in their lives, 45% say they have at some point been afraid their life was in danger because of their race, and 53% say they have been treated unfairly because of their race in the past month alone.

About a quarter of Hispanic Americans say they’ve been discriminated against, 20% say they have been afraid their life was in danger, and 36% say they’ve been treated unfairly in the past month because of their race.

About 7 in 10 blacks say they have experienced recent unfair treatment due to their race. Half say their race has been a disadvantage in their life rather than an advantage, while 61% of whites 56% of Hispanics feel their race has been an advantage.

For the most part, white people can go to any store, any park, any restaurant, any neighborhood and not have the police called or be followed because someone is suspicious of them.

When my dad was still in Georgia and looking for houses here, I met his agent at a potential house. She was a blond haired, white woman. She showed up in really casual clothes--capris and a sleeveless shirt. I got there early, and she got there late, so I was sitting in my car in the driveway of this house for a good 30 minutes. No one called the cops on me even though I was pretty suspicious with my car running and me constantly looking around to see if she was there yet. I can bet that she hasn’t had anyone call the police when showing houses to clients because neighbors didn't think she belonged.

In contrast, a friend of mine is a black man and a real estate agent. Despite wearing professional attire and a for sale sign in the yard, he has had neighbors call 911 with claims of a suspicious black man in the neighborhood.

Many times, I think, we white people don't really believe people of color when they talk about flat out discrimination, and we certainly don't believe them when they talk about microaggressions. They're being too sensitive. Not everything is about race. Who knows if the neighbor that called 911 on my realtor friend didn't call 911 on every realtor that showed that house? We explain away what they know is true.

My radar is not as finely tuned as a person of color, but it has definitely kicked in with having a black daughter. I can tell that the stares and glares we got at one all-white grocery store (including employees) was absolutely about the color of her skin and not for any other reason.

Because white people rarely have to think about their race or the color of their skin, we don't have the gut instincts that tell us that a situation is because of race. So, it's hard for us to understand how anyone else's gut reaction to discrimination is telling them it's because of race.

Regardless, when that many people of color are saying that they've been discriminated against because of the color of their skin, I think it's time we actually sit back and listen to them instead of trying to dismiss their experiences.

Discrimination poll -

25. Marijuana Arrests

According to a survey by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (part of the US Department of Health and Human Services) in 2011, the rate of marijuana use was 11.5% for both whites and blacks. However, blacks are arrested at far greater rates for small amounts of marijuana possession in every state, from 1.6 times in Hawaii to 8.3 times in Iowa. The national average is 3.7 times.

For instance, in Charlotte, North Carolina, it is up to the police officer to arrest or give a citation to someone with less than half an ounce of marijuana. Blacks are arrested at a rate three times greater than whites.

Another example, in Cook County, IL (where Chicago is), nearly 73% of those arrested for marijuana possession were black. Most arrests occurred in neighborhoods that were 90% or more non-white, with the greatest number of arrests occurring on the South and West sides of Chicago.

Having an arrest on your record affects everything from being able to find housing to finding a job. This is one of the consequences of breaking the law, yes, but the consequence is not meted out fairly.

Marijuana use by race - (pg 4)

Arrest rate of blacks significantly higher - (links to several studies within article as well as a sobering graphic on the left sidebar) (lots of graphs demonstrating the wide disparity in arrest rates)

Charlotte, NC -

Cook County, IL -

26. Stops and Searches

The Bureau of Justice Statistics showed that whites make up 72% of the driving population. 10% of them were stopped. Blacks make up 10% of driving population. 13% of them were stopped. Hispanics make up 12% of the driving population. 10% of them were stopped.

Nationally, of those who were stopped by police, only 2.3% of white people were searched while Blacks and Hispanics were searched over 6% of the time.

It’s been reported that in New York City, off duty black policemen were stopped without cause by on duty NY cops who didn’t know they were also cops.

In a Gallup poll in July 2013, 1 in 4 black men between the ages of 18-34 reported unfair treatment by police in the previous month.

The Department of Justice has found in cities all across America that people of color have been unfairly profiled, targeted, stopped, and/or arrested.

In Ferguson, Missouri , despite being 26% less likely than whites to have illegal contraband in their vehicles, blacks were stopped at a rate twice as often as whites.

In East Haven, Connecticut, Latinos were subjected to more traffic stops, harsher treatment and more retaliation over discrimination complaints.

In New Orleans minorities were subjected to excessive force, illegal stops and pat-down searches. It also found that more African-American residents were arrested, compared with white residents.

Bureau of Justice Statistics study -
Appendix Table 2 - driving population by race
Table 1 - % of stops by race
Table 7 - % of stops turning into searches by race

NYC off-duty cops article -

Gallup poll -

Ferguson report - (page 4)
“African Americans account for 85% of vehicle stops, 90% of citations, and 93% of arrests made by FPD officers, despite comprising only 67% of Ferguson’s population. African Americans are more than twice as likely as white drivers to be searched during vehicle stops even after controlling for non-race based variables such as the reason the vehicle stop was initiated, but are found in possession of contraband 26% less often than white drivers, suggesting officers are impermissibly considering race as a factor when determining whether to search. African Americans are more likely to be cited and arrested following a stop regardless of why the stop was initiated and are more likely to receive multiple citations during a single incident. From 2012 to 2014, FPD issued four or more citations to African Americans on 73 occasions, but issued four or more citations to non-African Americans only twice.”

East Haven report -
“In particular, we find that EHPD engages in discriminatory policing against Latinos, including but not limited to targeting Latinos for discriminatory traffic enforcement, treating Latino drivers more harshly than non-Latino drivers after a traffic stop, and intentionally and woefully failing to design and implement internal systems of control that would identify, track, and prevent such misconduct. The pattern or practice of discriminatory policing that we observed is deeply rooted in the Department's culture and substantially interferes with the ability of EHPD to deliver services to the entire East Haven community.”

New Orleans report - (pages 5-6)
“Indeed, the limited arrest data that the Department collects points to racial disparities in arrests of whites and African Americans in virtually all categories, with particularly dramatic disparity for African-American youth under the age of 17. Arrest data provided by NOPD 6 indicates that in 2009, the Department arrested 500 African-American males and eight white males under the age of 17 for serious offenses, which range from homicide to larceny over fifty dollars. During this same period the Department arrested 65 African-American females and one white female in this same age group. Adjusting for population, these figures mean that the ratio of arrest rates for both African-American males to white males, and African-American females to white females, was nearly 16 to 1. Although a significant disparity in arrest rates for this age group exists nationwide, it is not nearly as extreme as the disparity found in New Orleans. Nationally in 2009, among those agencies reporting data, the arrest ratio of African-American youth to white youth, for the same offenses, was approximately 3 to 1. The level of disparity for youth in New Orleans is so severe and so divergent from nationally reported data that it cannot plausibly be attributed entirely to the underlying rates at which these youth commit crimes, and unquestionably warrants a searching review and a meaningful response from the Department.”

27. Criminal Justice

The lifetime chance of imprisonment is very high for people of color compared to white people.
Black men - 1 in 3
Latino men - 1 in 6
White men - 1 in 17
Black women - 1 in 18
Latina women - 1 in 45
White women 1 in 111

One in every ten black men in their 30s is in jail on any given day.

Many, I know, will bring up the disproportionate crime rate of black men. Black people make up about 13% of the population and comprise 39% of violent crime arrests. The causes of this are heavily debated.

While this explains the disparity to a certain extent, when controlling for arrest records and other similar factors, a study by M. Marit Rehavi and Sonja B. Starr entitled, “Racial Disparity in Federal Criminal Charging and Its Sentencing Consequences” found the following:
---prosecutors charge black men with a “mandatory minimum sentence” crime twice as many times as whites.
---black defendants receive charges that are about 6% to 9% more severe than white defendants’.
---blacks are more likely to be incarcerated.
---Their sentences are 10% longer for the same crime and similarly situated as white men.

Blacks are 25% less likely than whites to receive a sentence below the sentencing guidelines.

All-white juries are more likely than diverse juries to sentence blacks to death.

Overall, blacks and whites are victims of homicide at the same rate. Over 70% of the killers of whites are sentenced to death while 15% of the killers of blacks are sentenced to death.

Imprisonment rates -

Rehavi and Starr report -
mandatory minimum sentence charge (pages 10-11)
more severe charges (page 11)
more likely to be incarcerated (page 15)
longer sentences (page 17)
summary of the report (starts page 24)

Less likely to receive sentences below guidelines - (page 22)

Death penalty and victims by race - (summary of a Department of Justice study which is linked at the end; the study itself is not very reader-friendly which is why I’m linking this summary instead)

28. CPS and the Foster Care System

The US Department of Health and Human Services released a study entitled, “Children of Color in the Child Welfare System: Perspectives from the Child Welfare Community.” Some findings:
---Although black children account for 15% percent of all children in the United States, they account for 25% of substantiated maltreatment victims, white children are 79% of the child population and 51% of all substantiated victims, and Asian and Pacific Islander children are 4% of the population and 1% of substantiated victims.. Hispanic children account for an equal share of the population and substantiated victims.
---Racial disparities are even more pronounced in out-of-home care. Black children comprise 45% of the total number of children in foster care.
---For children reported to CPS, the majority of white children receive support to remain at home, whereas the majority of black children receive foster care black children experience significantly longer stays than white or Hispanic children.
---Although white and black women are equally likely to test positive for drugs, black women were ten times as likely to be reported to CPS after delivery. Most women are drug tested without knowledge or consent after giving birth.
---White children are more likely to be investigated in cases of sexual abuse, and children of color are more likely to be investigated in cases of physical abuse and neglect.

A study by researchers at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia found that when doctors examined children, “toddlers with accidental injuries were over five times more likely to be evaluated for child abuse, and over three times more likely to be reported to child protective services if they were African-American or Latino.”

A study of women whose newborns tested positive for cocaine found that the child was more than 72 percent more likely to be taken away, if the mother was Black.

29. What do we do now?

A lot of these issues, especially the crime and incarceration rates and the foster care system, are really complicated. The experts don’t even agree on the cause. My point in posting about them wasn’t to argue the reasons, but to show that White America is a different place than the America people of color live in. Sadly, most of White America doesn’t see this, or if they do, the blame lies at the feet of people of color.

So, where do we go from here? What now? How can you make a difference? Should you even try to make a difference?

The short answer is people, government, businesses, and society just need to stop being racist, discriminatory, and prejudicial against people of color.

The longer answer, and this is by no means exhaustive, is that we each need to start with ourselves and our families.

---Examine your heart, unpack the internal biases you hold (and you do hold some), confront them, and actively seek to change them.

---Figure out why your first reaction may be defensiveness if someone brings up a disparity among the races. Why is your first instinct to explain away, dismiss, or pushback against someone’s experience? For instance, the response to #BlackLivesMatter shouldn’t be #AllLivesMatter or #PoliceLivesMatter. It should be finding out what the movement is about, why it was created, etc. Even if you don’t agree with it, the immediate response shouldn’t be a comeback. Or if a person of color verbalizes an experience of discrimination, the first reaction shouldn’t be to make excuse for the discriminator or suggest that the cause of that experience wasn’t racial.

---Respond with empathy when a disparity is brought to your attention. Very few people are out to make you feel guilty for something you have not personally done. If your reaction is guilt, try to figure out why that might be.

---Challenge yourself to understand other viewpoints. Don’t get all your news from one source, especially if it’s a source you agree with the majority of the time. See, How to use twitter on your journey to understanding. See how one guy living in a white bubble, found a way to use those principles to help him develop empathy and understanding.

---In your home, be aware of the way you talk about people of color. You may not call black people the N-word, but do you refer to a group of teenage boys as thugs? Do you say that protestors need to go get a job? Do you refer to housing projects as the ghetto? Do you talk about welfare queens or blame people of color for all crime? Don’t tell outright or borderline racist or offensive jokes. Don’t call black people, men especially, ‘boy’ or ‘son.’ Think about the subtle ways you talk about others that could shape your children's view of people of color.

---Embrace all of society as yours. “When are they going to start talking about black-on-black crime and do something about that?” Nope. “When are we going to come up with ways of reducing the black-on-black crime problem?” (Not to mention the white-on-white crime problem, but that’s a whole other post.) As long as we view their problems as their problems and our problems as everyone's problems, things will never change.

---Stop saying things like “I don’t see color.” Refusing to see someone’s race makes you not see them or their struggles. It may sound ideal and anti-racist, but it’s a ridiculous sentiment. Do you refuse to see someone’s hair or eye color? Someone’s skin color is part of who he or she is. You cannot erase that part of />
---Don’t say things like “You’re so articulate” or anything else that could logically end in a silent “for a person of color.” Don’t say things like “You don’t act black.” Don’t try to “act” black to relate to a black person.

---Teach your children that differences in skin color are okay, and skin color/race is not a taboo subject. If your young kid loudly exclaims, “That man’s skin is dirty!” when she sees a black man at the grocery store, don’t shush her. Calmly explain that people come in all varieties of shapes, sizes, and colors and his skin isn’t dirty, it’s brown like [insert someone you know or a character she can relate to here].

---In order to avoid the above embarrassing example, expose your children to other races and cultures from Day 1. Take a look at the books and other entertainment your kids take in. Are the characters vastly white? Are the dolls or action figures they play with primarily white? When you go out to eat or to the grocery store look around with fresh eyes. Are the customers all white? Are the only people of color you see servers or cashiers? I love Chuy’s, but I hesitate to go back to the local one because all three times I’ve been there, my daughters were the only people of color except for the kitchen staff who were Hispanic. Check out local cultural shows and exhibits. Go to a playground, park, or library on the “black side” of town. Depending on your religious beliefs, go visit a predominately black church.

---Show your children that the lives of people of color are valuable by including people of color in your lives. Are all of your friends white? Are all of your kids’ friends white?

---Talk to your white children about ways they can help keep their black friends safe and out of misunderstood trouble.

---When you see discrimination or hear racist comments, don’t keep your head down. Call people on their behavior. Challenge people to justify their behavior.

---For those Christians among my readers, remember that you cannot preach Jesus when you’re willingly insulating yourself in a white bubble. Read this article, “How Talking to Your Kids about Race Helps Fulfill the Great Commission.”

---I've put together a small list of resources of books and articles for adults and lists of books for children and teens.
So, do you think life in America is equal and the same opportunity is available for all, no matter the race? What are some things I haven’t listed that YOU think you can do to help? Do you have any other thoughts you’d like to share?

Resources for Adult Reading

These are by no means exhaustive. In fact, this compilation of reading materials barely scratches the surface.

Below are some articles I'd recommend. Even if you do not agree with the premise or facts (like Trayvon Martin), read them anyway.


For Christians
How Talking to Your Kids About Race Helps Fulfill the Great Commission

Teaching Your Kids
It's My Job to Raise Children Who Are Not Only Not Racist But Actively Anti-Racist
Talking Race & Trayvon Martin with Your Kids
To the White Parents of my Black Son’s Friends
How to Talk About Race with Your Kids

Black History in America
The Case for Reparations (whether you agree with the premise of reparations, this is valuable history to know)

History of Criminal Justice
The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration

How to Confront Your Biases
I, Racist
How 26 Tweets Broke My Filter Bubble (related to this article)

Importance of Diverse Education
The Case for Ethnic Studies in All Schools

How to Be an Ally
11 Things White People Can Do to Be Real Anti-Racist Allies

Below are some multicultural book lists for adults. I have not vetted these, so proceed at your own risk.






Books for a Better Understanding of Black People in America
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Written by Herself
Uncle Tom's Cabin
The Souls of Black Folk
Between the World and Me
The New Jim Crow

Free Online History Lessons

Resources for Books for Children and Teens

Below is a compilation of books for children and teens that I've found. I have not vetted every book recommended. Proceed accordingly.

Children's Books


Black History




Pacific Islanders

Middle Eastern



YA Books



Native American


General Characters of Color